XXVIII International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society, September 19-21, 2024, Katowice

International Congresses of the Polish Cardiac Society have been held since 1997 and are a continuation of the previous PCS meetings. The congresses are the most important scientific and educational annual meeting of cardiologists in Poland. They gather approximately 4,500 participants each year, nearly 450 lecturers from Poland and abroad. During the congresses, there are about 150 scientific sessions: didactic, sections and associations, satellite, clinical cases, focus, poster, and competitive original works, as well as HUB sessions.

The congresses carry a huge educational load. It is an amazing opportunity to collectively analyze the latest ESC guidelines and discuss how they have been implemented in Polish conditions from the previous year's guidelines.

Participants have the chance to learn about new techniques or drugs entering reimbursement or appearing on the market that are not yet reimbursed. It is also an opportunity to discuss modern therapies, experiences of individual centers, or exchange views and opinions on the therapy of individual patients.

During the congresses, we host not only cardiologists but also family medicine doctors, internists, and other specialties interested in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as well as nurses, technicians, paramedics, and medical students. The event is aimed at expanding knowledge, exchanging information and views, and inspiring joint actions in raising the standards of cardiac care and finding better systemic solutions.